Someone left a sad, strange comment on an old post here the other day.
See, this random woman lost her beloved rubber naked mole rat in a boating accident not too long ago. She was searching the Internet for a new one but couldn't find anything. Her only lead so far is the picture I posted of my own rubber naked mole rat back in March. (Go here to read the whole sad but sort of excellent story.)
I e-mailed this woman and told her I didn't know where she could get a new one because mine was a gift, but I'd try to find one for her. I like to help, and, you know, I really don't have anything better to do. (Really, I don't. I just thought about it for a minute after I typed that and realized I don't have a single thing to do this week that's more pressing than trying to track down a rubber rat for a complete stranger. I should go back to school or something one of these days.)
Well, even with all this free time, I seem to have hit a snag. I'm usually pretty good at finding stuff on the Internet, but I haven't had too much luck. I did a bunch of searches, but I can't seem to find anything besides these kind of lame and creepy plush naked mole rats, which won't do at all.
Anyway, I was hoping somebody could help find a rubber one, preferably just like this one, that can be ordered online.
To sweeten the deal, I'm offering up this one-of-a-kind tote bag in exchange for the information--first person to leave a viable link to an online purveyor of rubber naked mole rats in the comments section of this post gets it.
Thanks and good luck.