Bacon-fried chicken-fried bacon!
Oh, yes. A long time ago I read about a restaurant somewhere in East Texas that serves chicken-fried bacon. I had always wanted to try it, and I decided this was the weekend.
It was easy. We got some thick-sliced bacon and fried it up real good (can you say "fry it up really well" without sounding like a complete tool?), draining the bacon grease off as needed but keeping it aside. Then we set the bacon to cool on some paper towels.
While Eric was cooking the bacon, I set up Ye Olde Dredging Station by beating a couple of eggs
with a little milk in a pie pan and mixing bread crumbs, cornmeal, and
black pepper in a dinner plate.
We dredged the bacon through the cornmeal mixture, then through the
egg, and then back into the cornmeal.
We shook off the excess, heated the bacon grease back up, placed the pieces back in the pan, and cooked them until they turned a beautiful golden brown.
Finally, we ate the shit out of that shit.
The verdict: A moderate success. Bacon-fried chicken-fried bacon is crispy and tasty, but bacon by itself is so perfect that this recipe is completely unnecessary. As in, why the hell are all these bread crumbs diluting the flavor of my delicious, delicous bacon?
Also, the cornmeal mixture needed a little salt. You'd think frying something in bacon grease would impart enough flavor, but no. So if you try this, add salt.
And I could be paranoid, but it seems like my heart is beating a little faster than usual.