Well, damn, I'm not going to be able to take the Austin Museum of Art's drawing boot camp for the third year in a row. Work, missed enrollment deadlines, it's always something.
Although this time it's something really good: We bought tickets to Seattle yesterday for the first week in June.
We will be doing such things as attending the opening for Eric's art exhibit at the cool record store, getting Receptionista to show us the best of her city, and taking a million pictures. Choo's going, Dan's going to meet us up there, and we're trying to talk Roo (who really needs to update his blog) into coming up too.
I can't wait. I love visiting a place for the first time, and it's so great to have something to look forward to. If Seattle people have any suggestions about where to go and what to do, I'd love to hear them.
Oh, and the wood chipper woke me up again today, but this time it happened right around the time I needed to get up anyway. Plus it didn't actually chip any wood, just paused briefly by my house and kept going. So really it did me a favor. Way to be, wood chipper!